A partnership between the City of Fargo, NDSU and two utility companies in Fargo; formed to enter Fargo into the Georgetown University Energy Prize, a two-year competition in which fifty cities across the U.S. sought to understand, use, and plan energy use reduction.

Malini in the eFargo studio
educating kids about the eFargo game
Malini Srivastava is the creator and Project Lead of eFargo, a University-City-Utility partnership aimed at reducing city-wide energy use. This partnership included the city of Fargo, North Dakota State University, Cass County Electric Cooperative and Xcel Energy. Under Malini's direction, the partnership developed pervasive energy games as a fundamental intervention method to impact large-scale energy use in buildings.
The eFargo project (www.efargo.org) resulted in the City of Fargo winning the $5 million national Georgetown University Energy Prize in 2017, reducing energy consumption by 6.8 percent during 2015 and 2016 and implementing energy efficiency strategies that will serve as a national model.
eFargo team includes: Malini Srivastava, Mike Christenson, Mike Williams, Dan Mahli, Dylan Neururer, Peter Atwood, Troy Raisanen, Dr. Houjun Yang, Yang Song, Noor Abdelhamid, Philip Reim, Haley Schraufnagel, Maura McDaniel, Megan Gahlman, Abigayle Brown, Alina El Tamimi, Sam Goodman, Amy Mueller, Ben Dalton, Sarah Biesterveld, Keira Rachac, Noah Thompson, Tanner Naastad, Aaron Warner, Alex Jansen, Amber Grindeland, Amy McDonald, Gretta Berens, Cari Roberts, Ian Schimke, Josh Highley, Kristina Heggedal, Kristina Kaupa, Mackenzie Lyseng, Mitchell Nagel, Nate Wallerstad, Nick Braaksma, Peter Mueller, Rachel Grider, Ryan Gapp, Ryan Gram, Samantha Marihart, Rachel Marsh, Sarah Watson, Taylor Schuman